Microsoft Software Library Mirror. Wf. WG Download Files. Excerpts from The Microsoft Software Library. This archive contains a mirror of The Microsoft Software Library contents dated 1. October 1. 99. 1 through. Wordperfect 5.1 Dos' title='Wordperfect 5.1 Dos' />Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. August 1. 99. 8. This index file is also available as an Excel 5. Sheet zipped. Please note the disclaimer at the end of this page. W3. X. PDFWindows 3. Application Notes from MS Technet March 1. C5. 27. EXE3. Com EtherlinkMC 3. Ethernet. 3C7. 70. EXENet 3. Com 3. C7. FDDI EISA 1. 1. 68. CQA. EXEMSJ 1. 0 CC Q A8. WINQA. EXEMSJ 1. 0 Windows Q A8. CQA. EXEMSJ November 9. Wordperfect 5.1 Dos' title='Wordperfect 5.1 Dos' />CC Q A8. WINQA. EXEMSJ November 9. Windows Q A8. Voorgeschiedenis. WordPerfect was omstreeks 1990 wereldwijd de populairste tekstverwerker voor een DOSpc. Vanaf de introductie van Windows versie 3. Imprimir desde Wordperfect 5. No si estas en Linux. Evidentemente, desde el DosBox original de serie no puedes imprimir, porque no incluye soporte de. WordPerfect for DOS cannot directly open files created in any recent version of Microsoft Word. WPDOS 5. 1 entirely lacks conversion filters suitable for Word. Find great deals on eBay for wordperfect magazine. Shop with confidence. WINQA. EXEMSJ Source Dec 9. EXEIntel PCLA8. 2xx Ethernet Adapter. DOSQA. EXEMSJ DOS Q A8. WINQA. EXEMSJ Windows Q A 8. WINQA. EXEWindows Q A9. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. An example of MSDOSs commandline interface, this one showing that the current directory is the root of drive C. Windows 3. x Resources 3. WfWG Download Files Excerpts from The Microsoft Software Library This archive contains a mirror of The Microsoft Software Library. WordPerfect WP is a word processing application owned by Corel with a long history on multiple personal computer platforms. The program was originally developed. W3. 2QA. EXEMSJ Win. Q A9. 2WINQA. EXEMSJ Windows Q A9. CQA. EXEMSJ CC Q A9. WINQA. EXEMSJ Windows Q A9. W3. 2QA. EXEMSJ Win. Q A9. 4WINQA. EXEMSJ Windows Q A9. CQA. EXEMSJ CC Q A9. DOSQA. EXEMSJ MS DOS Q A9. WINQA. EXEMSJ Windows Q A9. CQA. EXEMSJ 6 CC Q A9. W3. 2QA. EXEMSJ 6 Win. Q A9. 7CQA. EXEMSJ 7 CC Q A9. DOSQA. EXEMSJ 7 MS DOS Q A9. WINQA. EXEMSJ 7 Windows Q AADDMENU. EXEMake Pop up Menu Dynamically at R. T. ADI. EXESupplemental Auto. CAD ADI Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6. ADMENU. EXEAdding Options to System Menus. AFXVBX. EXEUsing VBX Controls in AFXDLL Dialog. ALCKEY. EXEALCKEY Sample Application. ALERTS. EXEUse OS2 LAN Manager Alerts. ALPHSORT. EXESort Order of lstrcmp and lstrcmpi. AMD. EXESCSI AMD PCNetSCSI Embedded 1. AMI4. 8. EXESCSI AMI Series. EISA 1. 0. 3ANDTOK. EXENet Andrew IIA TR ISA 1. ANIMATE. EXEPalette Animation in Windows. ANNOPRNT. EXEInk Annotation and Printing Sample. ANNOTATE. EXEANNOTATE Sample Application. APPEXEC. EXEWindows Apps Launching Windows Apps. APPS. EXEFox. Pro 2. Patch File. ARNIE. EXESpawn an Application and Wait. ART3. 5. EXENT Video Artist Graphics ISA 1. ARTPAD. EXEWacom Art. Pad Tablet 1. 0. ARTZ PAD. EXEWacom Art. ZArt. Pad Tablets 1. 0. ASMCLOCK. EXEMASM 6. Windows Programming Sample. ASP. EXESCSI ASP ABP 8. VLB 3. 1. 0ATINT. EXEVideo ATI Graph. Wonder. XL2. 4 ISA 3. AUTOCTRL. EXEOLE Automation Controller Sample. AUTODLL. EXEOLE Automation Inproc Object Sample. AVGA. EXEVideo Compaq AVGA EISA 3. AVISAMPL. EXESample AVIs WNDSURF1 and SAMPLEAVIWIN. EXEMultiple AVI and MCIPUT Usage Demo. BB0. 34. 5. EXELink BASIC 7. C, FORTRAN, Pascal. BB0. 36. 4. EXEBASIC PDS 7. Quick INSTALL. EXEBCOS2. API. EXEAPI Function Calls for OS2 Queues. BCOS2. QUE. EXEBASIC Demonstration of OS2 Queues. BCPICSAV. EXEPICEM Example, Four Plane BLOADBSAVEBDLG. EXEDraw a Bitmap in an MFC Dialog. BIGBIT. EXEUsing High Color Resolution Devices. BIT2. MONO. EXEConvert Color Bitmaps to Monochrome. BKGND. EXEBackground Processing Sample Code. BLINK. EXEUse Set. Timer to Make Flashing Chars. BLOCKOUT. EXEMinidriver Sample Code. BLOCKS. EXEGraphical Objects and MFC Sample. BMUTIL. EXEBitmap Manipulation Techniques Demo. BNDREAD. EXEVB Code Sample Bound Read Only Text. BOOTSEC. EXESAMPLE Reading Boot Sector of Drive. BOUNCE. EXEBouncing Ball DDEML Demo App. BOUNCET. EXEDDE Management Library Article Text. BROWSE. EXEMicrosoft CC Browser Toolkit for Visual CBSC3. EXEMicrosoft CC Browser Toolkit for Visual CBTNBAR. EXEButton Bar Sample Code. BTR1. 10. EXEFILE BTR1. EXE Updated Btrieve ISAM Driver. BTR2. 00. EXEFILE BTR2. EXE Updated Btrieve Driver File. BTTNCUR. EXEButtons and Cursors Information. CALLB. EXEHandling Callbacks w Member Functio. CDDEML. EXESample DDEML Using MFCCDR. EXESupplemental Corel DRAW 3. Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6. CHG2. 6A. TXTFox. Pro 2. 6a Patch File. CHGACCL. EXEChange Accelerator Tables. CHICTIPS. EXEMSJ Prepare Apps for Chicago. CHILDMNU. EXECreating Child Window with Menus. CIRRUS. EXEVideo DEC 5. Embedded 3. 5. 0CK. EXEFox. Pro 2. 6a Patch File. CKSAMP. EXECKSAMPLE. APP Source Code. CLIENT. EXEOLE Client Implementation Guide 1. CMD6. 00. EXESCSI CMD CSA 6. F EISA 1. 1. COLLECT. EXEOLE Automation Collection Sample. COMLYR. EXEHOWTO ObtainDistribute the Compatibility Layer in VB 3. CONTROL2. EXEMSJ Source Aug 9. CONTROLS. EXEMSJ Source Feb. CONTROLS. EXECOPYTEST. EXEWindows Code Module to Copy a File. CP0. 98. 2. EXECP0. MICROSOFT SETUP TOOLKIT FOR VISUAL CCPPQ A. EXEMSJ Source Aug. CPPQ0. 29. 5. EXEMSJ Source Feb. CPPQ0. 29. 5. EXECPPQ1. EXEMSJ Source Oct. CPPQ1. 19. 4. EXEMSJ Source Nov. CPQ A8. 94. EXEMSJ Sept 9. CPQ QV. EXEVideo Compaq QVision EISA 1. CPQ2. 00. EXEVideo Compaq QVision. PCI 2. 0. 0CQA. EXEMSJ CC Q ACQA1. EXEMSJ Source Dec 9. CQA1. 29. 4. EXECSTNT3. X. EXECustomizing Windows NT 3. Individuals. CSTW3. EXECustomizing Windows 3. Individuals with Disabilities. CSTW3. X. EXECustomizing Windows 3. Individuals with Disabilities. CSTWG3. X. EXECustomizing Windows for Workgroups 3. Individuals with Disabilities. CTE2. 1. EXENet Cabletron CTE2. ETH ISA 1. 0. 0. 0. CTF3. 0. EXENet Cabletron F3. XX FDDI MCA 1. 0. CTF7. 0. EXENet Cabletron F7. XX FDDI EISA 1. 0. CTL3. D. EXEAdding 3 D Appearance to Controls. CTT2. 0. EXENet Cabletron T2. XX TR ISA 1. 0. 0. CTT3. 0. EXEWINNT Cabletron T3. XX Token Ring DNICUBES. EXEMSJ Source Nov. CUSTCONT. EXESample Code for Custom Control. CWHEEL. EXEColor Wheel Palette Management Demo. DATAINDX. EXEDOC Data Access Guide Index in VB 3. DATAMGR. EXEFILE Source Code for the Visual Basic Data Manager. DATAVAL. EXEValidate Contents of Edit Control. DB XL. EXEVB Code Sample from DB to Excel. DBHLPD. EXEFox. Pro 2. Patch File. DBHLPW. EXEFox. Pro 2. 6a Patch File. DBLCONV. EXEMS DOS Double. Space Conversion Kit. DBMENU. EXEDialog Box Menus. DDCON. EXECorrected Source. Safe DDCONV. EXE File. DDE. EXEWindows Dynamic Data Exchange Sample. DDEEXEC. EXEDDEEXEC Sample and Technical Article. DDEMETA. EXEUse DDEML to Pass Windows Metafiles. DDESERV. EXEDDESERV Sample Program. DDEXL. EXEDDE with Microsoft Excel Sample Code. DDLIST. EXEDDLIST. RTF Technical Article. DDREC. EXEDirect to Disk Recorder with ACMDE3. A. EXENet DEC DE3. FDDI EISA for ALPHA v. DE4. 35. EXENet DEC DE4. ETH PCI 6. 0. DECODE1. EXESAMPLE DECODE1. OLE Error Code Decoder Tool. DEFBTN. EXEChange the Status of a Push Button. DELTEST. EXEWindows Code Module to Delete Files. DEVMODE. EXEBring Up Current Printer Dialog Box. DIAG. EXEMSJ Source March 1. DIAL. EXEDialing a Modem in Windows 3. DIBS2. EXEDIBs and Their Uses. DISPDIB. EXEDisplay. Dib Function Executable Code. DLGCBR. EXESAMPLE Adds Control Bar to MFC Dialog. DLGDB. EXESAMPLE DLGDB CDialog Shares CRecordset Object. DLGHLP. EXEContext Sensitive Help in Dialog Box. DLGICONS. EXEDynamically Change Icon in Modal Dlg. DLGMAIN. EXEModeless Dialog as Main Window. DLGPATCH. EXEPatch for Windows 3. Dialog Editor. DLGS. EXEDialog Type Interactions Sample. DLGSKB. EXEKnowledge Base for Windows SDKDLGTAB. EXETabbing in a Dialog Box. DLLFLOAT. EXEDLLFLOAT Sample Application. DLLINST. EXETrack Which Instance is Calling a DLLDLLSKEL. Whoop Whoop Pull Up .Wav File. EXEDLLSKEL Sample Application. DLLSTRT2. EXEDesigning DLLs for Mult Client Apps. DOS6. 2SP. EXEMS DOS 6. Supplemental Disk Util. DOS6. SUPP. EXEMS DOS 6. Supplemental Files. DOSQ1. 19. 4. EXEMSJ Source Nov. DOSQA8. 7. EXEMSJ Source July 1. DPMI0. 30. 1. EXESimulate Real Mode Interrupts Sample. DR0. 49. 8. EXEMS DOS CD ROM Extensions 2. Information Pack. DRAGBMP. EXEDRAGBMP Sample Application. DRAGRECT. EXEDragging a Frame Rectangle. DRGDRPS. EXESAMPLE DRGDRPS OLE Drag Drop Source.