Can You Get Unemployment If You Get Fired Check Your State. Every state is different. Find out how it works in your state In order to receive unemployment you have to be unemployed through no fault of your own. If you get fired from your job your employer may have a valid reason for firing you, and thus it is your own fault that you are unemployed, and therefore you are ineligible to receive unemployment benefits. There are, however, situations where your employer did not have a valid reason for firing you, in which case you may be found eligible for unemployment even when you get fired from your job. These situations are rare, and the ultimate decision whether you can collect unemployment could be arbitrary and often only settled by making an appeal, and having a a special eligibility appeal hearing. If your employer violated the law in firing you, it may take a lawsuit in order for you to collect unemployment and be compensated for your lost job and wages. THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE, YOU MAY NEED AN ATTORNEYIf you think that your employer has broken the law or illegaly fired you, you have to contact an employment or labor lawyer. If you cannot afford an attorney, you should contact the Legal Aid Society. Also some lawyers take these kinds of cases pro bono, which means for free, or on a contingency basis, which means you dont have to pay anything upfront, and the lawyer only gets paid if you win your lawsuit. Again, this site is not legal advice. If you think that your rights have been violated or you have been illegally fired you must contact a lawyer. Situations where you MIGHT still be able to get unemployment if you get fired You might still be able to get unemployment if you were fired because you were asked to break the law, and did not do it. It is illegal to ask an employee to break the law. AF Leach The Schools of Medieval England 1915. 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You might still be able to get unemployment if you were fired because you served on jury duty. You might still be able to get unemployment if you were fired because you were asked to violate professional regulations or code of ethics. AfSd5YWBL.jpg' alt='College Handbook Grammer' title='College Handbook Grammer' />You might still be able to get unemployment if you were fired because you were activated for military duty, or otherwise fulfilling your obligations to the military. You might still be able to get unemployment if you were fired because you were a whistle blower or otherwise reported your employers or workplaces illegal activity or conditions. You might still be able to get unemployment if you were fired because you filed a workmans compensation claim. Looking for details on a British Army officer not listed here yet Just email me, and I might be able to help out. Of course, any additions, corrections etc. You might still be able to get unemployment if you were fired because you talked about your salary or wages with a coworker. You might still be able to get unemployment if you were fired because you filed a safety complaint with OSHA. You might still be able to get unemployment if you were fired in a way that violates your employment contract. Employment contracts do not have to be written down they can be implied through verbal conversations. If you think this is the case, you should consult an employment or labor lawyer. Ericsson Mini Link Craft Software. You might still be able to get unemployment if you were fired for exercising your legal rights as they relate to the workplace. If you think this is the case, you should consult an employment or labor lawyer. College Handbook Grammer' title='College Handbook Grammer' />Dont Sign Anything If you get fired you employer may ask you to sign some paperwork or documents before you leave. DONT SIGN ANYTHING If you believe that you were improperly or illegally fired, it is very important that you do not sign any documents that your employer asks you to sign while youre on your way out. They cannot hold your last check unless you sign any documents that is illegal. They may try to tempt you to sign some documents in exchange for severance pay DONT SIGN ANYTHING if you know youre in the right. Some employers may try to get you to sign a statement that says that you know you were wrong, that the employer terminated you for a good reason, and essentially giving up any rights you may have to collect unemployment or sue them. You Will Get Denied If You Get Fired For Just CauseEvery state is different, and each situation will be handled on a case by case basis. If you apply for unemployment after youve been fired from your job, and your employer had a valid reason to fire you, and your employer followed all of the laws and regulations in firing you, you will almost certainly have your application denied. You Should File Even If You Get Fired. I believe that there are some situations where people who were fired from their job should still file for unemployment, unless you willingly and knowingly caused yourself to get fired. Often employers will fire people for minor, but valid, infractions just so that they dont have to have to pay them anymore. Some companies will go on a firing spree, by firing people for small infractions, right before a laying off lots of people so that they can try to get out of paying unemployment benefits to the people that they fired. Also, you should still file for unemployment, even if you get fired, because your employer wont challenege your application. File an Appeal If You Are Denied Because You Got Fired. If you believe that you were improperly or illegally fired, you should appeal the denial of your unemployment application. After your claim is denied, you will have to file an unemployment appeal. If you have to file an appeal this means that you employer is challenging your right to collect unemployment because they fired you, and you will have to have a special unemployment appeal hearing. Making an unemployment eligibility appeal can be a slow, complicated process. It could take weeks or months for your appeal to be processed, and it could take weeks or months to get an actual eligibility hearing. If your rights were violated or you were illegally fired, you should contact an employment or labor lawyer. Situations where you WILL NOT be able to get unemployment if you get fired from your jobYou will not be able to collect unemployment if you are fired from your job because you did not do your job correctly, or to the standards set by your employer. You will not be able to collect unemployment if you are fired from your job because you were drunk, intoxicated, or using alcohol or drugs in the workplace. You will not be able to collect unemployment if you are fired from your job because you failed a drug test. You will not be able to collect unemployment if you are fired from your job because you were insubordinate. You will not be able to collect unemployment if you are fired from your job because you violated company policy or the terms of your employment contract. You will not be able to collect unemployment if you are fired from your job because you were late for work or did not show up for a shift. You will not be able to collect unemployment if you are fired from your job because you were sleeping on the job. You will not be able to collect unemployment if you are fired from your job because you committed a crime on the job. You will not be able to collect unemployment if you are fired from your job because you stole money, goods, or property from your company or coworkers.